Het Idee M/V / The M/F Concept

Het Idee M/V / The M/F Concept
Het Idee M/V / The M/F Concept
Het Idee M/V / The M/F Concept
Asha Ten Broeke, Het Idee M/V / The M/F ConceptHet Idee M/V / The M/F Concept


Bookdesign as part of the Visual Identity for Maven Publishing.
(offset: FC+Neon PMS)

Het idee M/V / The M/F concept. In short and humorous anecdotes Asha
counters the popular theories of ‘men are from mars, women are from venus’
as nothing but old prejudices wrapped as modern insight. Her conclusions are
both confronting and inspiring: the latest developments in genetics and
brainscience shows that man-woman-differences are not a part of our
genetics but re-created within every new generation.